Our Proud Staff Champions

Alexander House Care Home in Pinhoe is due to open its doors soon, and whilst we place the finishing touches on the interior of the home, our staff are busy preparing for the outstanding care that they will deliver.
We have proudly put together a team who are passionate about delivering high-quality care. Our care home is delighted to provide Nursing Care, Dementia Care, Residential Care, and Respite Care for up to 67 residents.
As well as providing these care services, our experienced and knowledgeable team will also be 'champions' for a variety of other specialist areas including Diabetes, Wound & Pressure, Infection Control, and Safeguarding. These staff members will act as ambassadors and lead in these areas, educating the rest of the team and ensuring that high standards are met across all areas.
You will see our staff members wearing their designated badges around the home and they will be delighted to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to welcoming you to our care home soon.